Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A new perspective of life.

Today I got affected by something that could surprise you. To me, this incident has changed my perspective and the way I see my life. Today I was outside in my backyard and I spotted something brown and yellow on one of my chairs. To my surprise, it was a moth. I looked at it closely and saw that both of its wings were ripped and cripple. Me being me I pulled out my phone to find ways to "fix" and"repair" moths wings. Unfortunately, there was nothing to do but show it a little kindness. I wasn't going to give up there so I asked my father and he told me the same thing. I remember having cared for butterflies before (i once found butterfly eggs so I raised them and let them go) so I took some sugar and water and put it aside for it. A few seconds later it drank a little of the water there. With whatever its strength it had it started to crawl toward me. I could see that it was trying to open its wings but it kept crawling toward me until it placed its proboscis (its mouth that is a little string) on my finger. It looked at me and spread its wings and slowly curled up and...died. I gently placed it on a piece of paper and carried it to the grass as i paid my respects. This may just be a small tiny moth but this taught me something that I had never bothered to think of. Moths only live for 5 weeks. To them, this is a long time but to us this is nothing. My point is that life is so short. (think I'm wrong? bowhead whales live up to 200 years old, Greenland sharks live up to  272 years old, Tuatara a type of lizard lives up to 100-200 years old, koi live up to 200 years old) So many of us only care about marks, grades, what people think of us as well as video games. We never take the time to enjoy life the way it is. We forget to be thankful for all the things we have. The moth must have been thankful for being able to fly and not get eaten. He or she must have been thankful for being able to live a full lifespan peacefully. This moth teaches us to be thankful for our lives and to accept our ending time to continue to our next stages of life. Let this moth remind you to not be distracted by things in life but to enjoy every one of it because life is short and the best we can do is enjoy it.
(PS I did cry)
Thanks for reading.