Hello hello!
Today is Wednesday, June 9th, 2021.
My name is Anushka and today I have stumbled across a forgotten time capsule, this blog. I started this blog off in middle school. Technically speaking it was my mother who promoted me to do so. This blog was my everything, writing was my escape, and I wanted to share those little details, thoughts and ideas with those of the community. My middle school years were strange, I had gotten out of the environment where I was picked on, coming to a new place was unfamiliar to me hence why I clung to writing, after all, it was the only place where I could put my thoughts, ideas, words all into one place. Looking back now, I am thankful my mother made me take such a step. Here I am, years later formatting and writing on this nostalgic site.
My name is Anushka, and this is my blog of everything.