Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A reflection of the past

 Hello hello! 

Today is Wednesday, June 9th, 2021.

My name is Anushka and today I have stumbled across a forgotten time capsule, this blog. I started this blog off in middle school. Technically speaking it was my mother who promoted me to do so. This blog was my everything, writing was my escape, and I wanted to share those little details, thoughts and ideas with those of the community. My middle school years were strange, I had gotten out of the environment where I was picked on, coming to a new place was unfamiliar to me hence why I clung to writing, after all, it was the only place where I could put my thoughts, ideas, words all into one place. Looking back now, I am thankful my mother made me take such a step. Here I am, years later formatting and writing on this nostalgic site. 

My name is Anushka, and this is my blog of everything.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Late New Year Resolutions

Wow how long as it even been since I last posted?  A year? Two years? Aside from that, I'm back again haha.

The most exciting thing that's recent that's occurred has been the new year swinging in I've decided to share my new year's relations. yes yes, I know it's late harm done, right? I've never been too big with them but I honestly don't see the harm of trying a few of these out, and so could you.

1. Work that positivity!!!

If you were to see me in my daily workspace and environment you'd easily be able to come to the conclusion that I am a chirpy person. You may be wondering, "why you put this then??", one of the main reasons is that; even though I'm positive I'll end up saying negative things like "This is taking so long!","I'll die before I even finish", "I don't even have a life with all this work I'm given!". It's little things like these that can have a negative effect on your subconscious mind. As a fan of phycology, I'll be sure to avoid saying negative things.

2. Reading is key

Back in middle school, I'll admit I was a huge book worm. You could probably find me with my nose in a book, that was until the workload kicked in. After that, I was always busy and when I got my free time I'd end up listening to music and drawing. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but reading does have a lot of pros to it. The best part is that reading reduces stress, amazing right?

3. Be more "Sport" active

The people that know me would consider me "athletic" but something I've never been a part of is a sports team, even though I've always longed to be in one.  The best excuse I've always given is that I've either been too busy, I didn't know the date to show up, I've forgotten and (the one I always say) I'm just too lazy. So 2019, I promise that I will find a sports team, preferably badminton, track, swimming and golf since I enjoy the solo sports better. if I had to choose a team sport it'd be volleyball and baseball since I find the rules easy to follow.   

4. Back to music

Something that I do miss deeply and wish I could get back to is playing the piano. Up until grade 6, I enjoyed playing it, even though I never bothered to do my assigned homework. If anyone is in a music class DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! It helps a lot even though some of it can be tedious and a pain. In the long run, it helps so much. Seeing how music surrounds us every time I see someone playing an instrument or even hearing one takes me back to the days when I used to play the piano. So I've decided to join a band and see what awaits me. 


I think this is pretty self-explanatory, right?
Expect to see posts on Saturdays or Sundays.


So I've decided, that not only will I blog more frequently I'll even post some artwork of mine, any extra videos will be linked to my youtube channel, which I hope to get sorted out.

This is Anushka,

signing out!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A new perspective of life.

Today I got affected by something that could surprise you. To me, this incident has changed my perspective and the way I see my life. Today I was outside in my backyard and I spotted something brown and yellow on one of my chairs. To my surprise, it was a moth. I looked at it closely and saw that both of its wings were ripped and cripple. Me being me I pulled out my phone to find ways to "fix" and"repair" moths wings. Unfortunately, there was nothing to do but show it a little kindness. I wasn't going to give up there so I asked my father and he told me the same thing. I remember having cared for butterflies before (i once found butterfly eggs so I raised them and let them go) so I took some sugar and water and put it aside for it. A few seconds later it drank a little of the water there. With whatever its strength it had it started to crawl toward me. I could see that it was trying to open its wings but it kept crawling toward me until it placed its proboscis (its mouth that is a little string) on my finger. It looked at me and spread its wings and slowly curled up and...died. I gently placed it on a piece of paper and carried it to the grass as i paid my respects. This may just be a small tiny moth but this taught me something that I had never bothered to think of. Moths only live for 5 weeks. To them, this is a long time but to us this is nothing. My point is that life is so short. (think I'm wrong? bowhead whales live up to 200 years old, Greenland sharks live up to  272 years old, Tuatara a type of lizard lives up to 100-200 years old, koi live up to 200 years old) So many of us only care about marks, grades, what people think of us as well as video games. We never take the time to enjoy life the way it is. We forget to be thankful for all the things we have. The moth must have been thankful for being able to fly and not get eaten. He or she must have been thankful for being able to live a full lifespan peacefully. This moth teaches us to be thankful for our lives and to accept our ending time to continue to our next stages of life. Let this moth remind you to not be distracted by things in life but to enjoy every one of it because life is short and the best we can do is enjoy it.
(PS I did cry)
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Threw life's eyes. Ch-1 A reflection of a mirror

"Become not a mirror but a river of your own."

Threw out life one usually develops his or her own likes or interests of their own, giving them all the right to claim that as ones favorite, activity, thing, etc. It is what makes a person "defined" when he or she follows a path of their own. Now do mind me that I will be using the word "In life" so...
Anyways as I was saying in life there are many channels as well as changes that one must face. Many of you're kind do not see this as an "Obstacle " but if overdone this can have an effect. Humans are the kind of species that want to feel welcomed and loved but most of all accepted into what some may call a "home" or "family". That's good, isn't it? That bubbly yet soothing feeling deep down in your heart that forms. Amiable right? Wrong. Let me put it this way; You enjoy reading and loathe sports then there's this one boy you seem to be getting this strange attraction for, he asks you if you like "baseball" you hesitate at first but after remembering that he plays on the baseball team you swallow the bile down you're throat and respond with "yes". Was that really the right mistake? Let me point out that by doing this you are changing one's self just to be "accepted" by that "society".  You know what I find "ironic"? That humans are such a "cat's-paw" when it comes to achieving or making or even having friends of any kinds. Not to mention lovers too. Each of you is going to die one way or another, so you give up your precious time on earth, for this? To have a little feeling of glory and acceptance? This brings me to my point, that Individuals will rather so do anything to get people to accept them. What many of them do is they start changing themselves to be accepted by others who are nothing like them. Take this form me, my dear children there is no need for you to change. Be like an eternal river. Have you're own flaws like sharp rocks at the bottom of the river. Be a river that can show people reflection, pointing out the wrong and right they do but most importantly have elements of your own just as every river has fish of different kinds. Do not make your water murky to hide the beautiful fish and rocks you have. Take and allow the sun to shine right through and become the best river you can possibly be.

Through life's eyes

These aren't rules. They don't have to move a civilization. You don't have to follow them. Take this as simply a thought or just a different method or should I say "perspective" of life.

I come in many different kinds of forms. My name doesn't matter, though I am mostly seen as"Bliss". I am everywhere where there is joy or when people come together for different kinds of reasons.  You can worship me, you can hate me, but you will never break my essence.  I will forever freely roam threw out this galaxy. I will be there when my presence is a need. I will not hesitate to leave when you have taken me for granted. Don't bother looking for the author because she is nowhere close to earth. She is "up above" as she focuses on the good that a few of your species are doing. One more thing. I will be blunt in this as well as add my own humor as well. A humans life is nothing compared to all the other species I've seen and yet you still live your life miserably. Although how you live your life is something I cannot change but I can guide you. That is what I will be doing in this book.  This is the book's purpose as well as mine. To help and guide, to say beside one's true side.  

Friday, April 20, 2018

If love were rose (a poem)

If love were a flower
It probably be a rose
its graceful petals bloom
day by day
as the wind blows
It can be lovely
and it can be dark
on the stem of it
is deadly thorns
slowly cutting its foes
do you still pick love?
You have been warned
So does love really represent a rose?
Know one knows.

Hey, guys, I hope you enjoyed this one. I'm not even kidding when I say this but at 10:45 at night I suddenly got up and wrote this one down. I usually go to bed by 9:30-10:00 so I was past my bedtime. Anyways peace out people! See you later!


Monday, April 16, 2018

~Update time!~

Hello everyone! Its been a while but I have a huge update! On this blog, you'll find topics of EVERYTHING! But I am starting two new books which I will be posting regularly from now on. If you like scarves stay tuned because I have a HUGE product about that coming out. Also if I miss a day of posting please forgive me and keep in mind I also have my school work and daily life to live but with that said I'll see you soon!
If you have any requests please feel free to do so. If you want to say hello feel free! I'll do my best to respond!